It's On Starting Tuesday.
1/31/2010 04:59:00 PM
I'm getting the scrubbie dub dubbie Benjamins together for this deposit. Tuesday should be all set into stone. :-) Looking forward to long hours!
1/31/2010 04:59:00 PM
I'm getting the scrubbie dub dubbie Benjamins together for this deposit. Tuesday should be all set into stone. :-) Looking forward to long hours!
By -Sean
1/30/2010 09:40:00 AM
There's a monthly free roll at my local casino every month for all players who qualify by playing for 30 hours or more in the month. Well the 1st week in January I already made 35 hours, and another 30+ every week following this month. One of my girlies got comped a free room there and I went and checked the time sheet to see who all qualifies for it because the tourney is a week from today.
The way the tourney works is the house adds $1000 for each table that is filled up a max of 8 tables. When I looked at the sheet I was disappointed to see 6 maybe 8 were qualified and I thought there would be so much more. The others who qualified have EXACTLY 30 hours, and the names I don't recognize, probably fish who play 2/6 Limit all the time and love to suck out.
Anyway I'm just a little bummed that it doesn't look like the full $8,000 prize pool will be available for the taking. Oh well, it's kind of a crap shoot anyway starting stack of like 2000 chips blinds starting @ 25/50 with 20 minute levels. I just want to take this one down, the 3 live MTT's I've played I took 2nd twice in a field of 36 and the most recent one I bubbled in 6th place with 36 players. Their prize structure is retarded. If there's a 10 handed SnG they pay 1st 70%, 2nd 20% and 3rd 10% pretty much seems like a waste of time, 3rd place generally gets their buy in back for a STT. And I never chop, probably why I took 2nd place both times in the MTTs.
Sorry for ranting. This tournament is the equivalent to a Full Tilt super turbo in relation to hands dealt per blind level. I need some good cards from start to finish because of the "quality" of skill these players posses. TPTK will never be folded which is a good thing for me in most cases. Little to no bluffing due to calling stations. So, you either have the cards or you don't here. These same players are the same one's who hold AA and KTo out of position to me with QJs on the button and call a re-raise that would put them all in on a flop a JJK. That was an awesome pot by the way busted both players out in a cash game and they bought in full stacks of $300 each. They looked so dumbfounded that I had QJ in my hand, the guy in SB with AA should have re-raised PF and I wouldn't have seen that flop, but obviously his brain doesn't work too well.
Nothing to update on the $600 to $40k goal today. Just going to make the deposit no later than Feb 14th and it's GAME ON!
By -Sean
1/29/2010 01:08:00 PM
So my friend got a free comped room at Buffalo Thunder on the "executive suites" floor. She used to work with the current manager there and he gave the comp to her and she wanted me to be with her, how could I decline? Anyway apparently we stayed in the same room that the Director of Cloverfield stayed in. So we got comped a $300/night room for free, it was definitely luxurious to say the least. I was expecting a cheap looking basic hotel room and got so much more.
So besides that Buffalo Thunder is my local casino and card room, and since we were there I of course had to play. the $1/$3 NL game was going and looked really soft so I decided to buy in for a minimum of $100 for some reason this one guy could not price himself out of a 3 outer gut shot, I flopped a set of queens and was happy my turn bet put him all in, and he made the comment "No Guts, No Glory." When he called. The Jc on the river completed the flush draw that I thought he was on. nope the Jc completed his hand with the gut shot he was holding K9o, disgusting, crippled me and made some semi-comebacks but never regained my full $100. The game got down to 4 players for a little while and then 3 handed. Here, to try to get the most value out of K9o when I flopped top pair w/ a 9 Kicker (which played) I check the flop, bet the turn, bet the river, ran into another gut shot hand made on the river.
I don't know what compels people to play like shit and "gamble" live. They are piss poor players. It's okay it's all going to come back into my pockets with interest.
By -Sean
1/28/2010 10:19:00 AM
So the goal is to save up money starting this week, unfortunately this happened: I left my house to head to work it's snowing and looks like it's been snowing for the past 8 hours tons of snow. Snow and Ice never really cause an issue with me driving ever, this little front wheel drive infiniti does just fine in the snow. I made a left hand turn and was behind a plain old beat up blue ford truck with the tailgate down, a ladder tied to the bed and a few other things in the bed of the truck as well.
He's not really paying attention to the road and I didn't realize it until he hopped up onto the median and insta-swerved back onto the road. Upon his instant action two of the boxes in the back of the truck had tipped over and I thought, eh no big deal. We start heading uphill where the road is wet, not icy or covered in snow, a whole lot of things starting falling out the back of his truck. Roofing nails. AWESOME! The front tires must have propped them up just right so that instead of puncturing the rear tires and forming a possibly fixable hole they go in the rear tires and both bend and make a much larger hole.
So, new tires are going to delay this a little while. I can save $100 this week for the $600 deposit so it's not a huge deal, just a minor set back.
By -Sean
1/27/2010 11:23:00 AM
I've decided I'm going to grind out my bankroll on Full Tilt opposed to Bodog, based on a few reasons.
1.) Multi-Tabling: As of now Bodog only allows 4 tables open at one time why they can't make a software update to appease players is unknown to me. Full Tilt will let you have 8 open, and you can send a request to add more tables as long as you contact support.
2.) Hand History Databases: Bodog does not allow saving of hand histories to your local machine you have to use Idleminers "Bodog Hand Grabber" to save your hands, and I've noticed it doesn't really save all my hands. It has skipped some hands and at some points has stopped grabbing hands all together. With Full Tilt I do not have to worry about that all hands will be saved on my computer.
3.) Population: Although, I enjoy the database I currently have with the regs and fish on Bodog, I will have to let it go for now. I'll definitely be able to find a game at any time at almost any stakes on Full Tilt opposed to Bodog.
4.) Rakeback: I applied for Rakeback through RakeBackPros for Full Tilt and they accepted my request the following day. I know some CCer's are going to be angry with me because some are super struggling, and have been for quite some time to get rakeback on their existing accounts. I am confused however why they can't be that helpful to my colleagues on CardsChat.
5.) ID Changes: Another part of my decision making process is the ability to have my UN changed on Full Tilt. I sent them an e-mail requesting a change and they granted it I sent them 3 User ID's which all showed up as "Not in FT Database" so, whichever one they pick for me is the one I will use. This is going to give me a slight advantage on the players whom I used to play $25 NL and up with. I will still have my entire hand history database from FT from all time. And will still have all the VPIP/PFR/AgF/Hands etc. And I will be a unknown player. Bodog will not let me change my DisplayName or my Table Picture for that matter.
My decision between Bodog Vs. Full Tilt started as Full Tilt vs. all other rooms. I just find the interface a lot easier to use and opposed to Pokerstars, I don't like the PS interface, for some reason seems unresponsive to my mouse clicks and I need to click twice for it to react every time and I know that's a minor issue but it really is irritating to me. So I decided to stick with Full Tilt, being able to get rake back was just a plus.
Any Questions/Comments/Concerns are welcome.
By -Sean
1/26/2010 03:22:00 PM
We're going on a mission starting Friday. Building A Bankroll Without Grinding. I find myself having such a hard time breaking through the micro's but I know I do well at $25NL and above, regrinding the micros is so tedious and I've done it 3 or 4 times before but once I broke that barrier and was playing $25NL to $50NL to $100NL to $200NL to $300NL I was doing just fine. granted I was not rolled correctly for $200NL or $300NL but just took shots at them and made some money off of that. I was forced to withdraw almost all of my Bodog bankroll to replace the transmission in my car. Now that I'm struggling with $5NL even, I'm just frustrated and don't see a need to regrind the micros (Correct me if I am wrong) because I do fine from $25NL and up. I'm just in a constant pull-and-push motion with $5NL on Bodog.
I left $100 in my Bodog account to regrind and rebuild due to the emergency expense I had to attend to. I just find myself @ $100 to $140 to $100 to $160 to $120 to $100. I'm flat lining and it's killing me. Almost 5k Hands this month alone with $5NL and I'm too frustrated to continue to grind it out.
I seem to have a serious problem. I do really well against other competitive players. I do not do very well against calling stations, donks, fish, LAGs, etc. I've never really looked at poker as something I can live off of (though it would be nice) I love it for the competition, math, and skill involved. I could care less if BluffMaster69 wants to stack off with middle pair @ $5NL, if you call with top pair top kicker and he open shoved with 58o on a flop of A 8 4 rainbow, you'll be disgusted when he turns or rivers a disgusting rag for two pair.
So expenses are down again, and I can start saving up. So what I'm going to do starting this Friday. Deposit $100 - $200 a week from my paycheck into my Bodog account, maybe my Full Tilt Account (not 100% sure which site I want to commit 100% to) And play the correct games for my bankroll at the time. For instance: If I'm grinding $5NL w/ a starting bankroll of $100 and get it up to $140 by the next paycheck and deposit $100 I then have a bankroll of $240 and I start playing $10NL. The goal is to get past the $10NL barrier and be able to sustain myself at $25 or $50NL with at least 20-30 buy-ins. And go from there. Anyway. Stats will be updated and such. Stayed Tuned...
By -Sean