2/27/2010 04:26:00 PM
I hate retards. End of story. Anyway made a little bit of progress will update the sidebar with BR amounts.
2/27/2010 04:26:00 PM
I hate retards. End of story. Anyway made a little bit of progress will update the sidebar with BR amounts.
By -Sean
2/25/2010 11:33:00 AM
I don't know whats going on, it's not variance. Just going in and coming out with 2nd best every time when I think I am ahead 95% of the time. Set over set, KK vs. AA, KK vs. QQ etc. It's just draining. Sticking to MTTs and SnG's and been getting busted from so many of them. I just want to end it all. Bodog BR is around $220, Full Tilt around $47.04 (Long Story) check for $180+ coming from FT due to an issue I had with them. I'll take that check and redeposit it into this BR so it'll be a little healthy. K so I haven't really hit rock bottom, but, I won $162 tournament dollars on Bodog yesterday which I said I wasn't going to use all at once in a big tourney but, I might. Still up in the air and we'll see how it goes.
I don't play as much as many of the people I have met online, volume is low I'm just getting a little frustrated. Trying to keep my chin up.
By -Sean
2/18/2010 11:50:00 PM
Haven't played too much the past couple of days a few $2 2-table SnG's and a $10NL session tonight where I added 2 Buy-Ins. I'm a little burnt out at the moment from playing so much the past few weeks.
1 Comment
By -Sean
2/14/2010 09:38:00 PM
The Bodog $100K Tournament went pretty slow, couldn't catch a hand, couldn't get paid off on hands, and had to fold a couple big hands. I was able to get a sweat session in by the Great Snowmobiler while on this tourney and he was very helpful. I need to work on opening up my hand ranges when I'm getting short on chips and turn up the aggression in late stages of MTTs. Snow said I have a good early/mid game so that was good to hear!!! I finished I think 240 something in a 800 player field.
I also played in Full Tilt's $22+$2 $200K Double Deuce, where I was railed by fellow CCer's and made my way in the money and busted out in 84th place ($214), where my all in with As Js ran into Ah 3h and my villain flopped a three and my hand didn't improve. Just simply got short on chips and got unlucky.
Full Tilt Results Screenshot:
By -Sean
2/11/2010 09:46:00 PM
Money is super tight. I'm withdrawing all the funds in my Bodog account except for $50. I need a new tire, I need to fix my SUV's from driver side headlight and turn signal because some ass face hit it in a parking lot and took off like it was an ex-girlfriend. So, I left the seat for the $100K still there and $50 cash. Let's see where we can go with this.
By -Sean
2/10/2010 08:40:00 PM
I played a $4 SnG won a seat to a $16 Multi-Table Tournament with 1 Seat Guaranteed. Well, I took 1st in the semi-final satellite and get to play the big event on Sunday. If I can take 1st OMG what a relief that would be. Anyway, running like god today on Bodog SnG's I entered my satellite results in HEM as cash because I don't know how to set this crap up for Satellites and obviously winning $162 tournament dollars is not exactly the same as winning $162 cash, but anyway had to manually put them into the HEM database because it doesn't seem to have an option to set it up as a satellite tournament with T$ as the payout so for today: my ROI is 110.81% and ITM 53.8% Winnings @ $153.90, I will update global stats when I get home from work.
So taking into account all of the profits from SnG's and Losses from cash games, which I have no Idea why I am failing at life playing $10NL and $25NL, I am at ~$3.50 from break even. Nice, love life and today's been awesome.
By -Sean
2/09/2010 02:29:00 PM
I went to see my dad last night after he got done with his Knee Replacement surgery. He's doing well, good to see he's not in pain at the moment. They apparently stuck a long ass needle into his thigh and temporarily killed the nerve so he doesn't feel any pain right now. Pretty sweet. His nurse "Faith" is extremely gorgeous and I'd give my right arm to be with her. But she probably wouldn't want to be with an armless man. So it might not work out very well. Anyway in the world of poker I will get some Screen shots up. I got sick of the PT3 data base, transferred all my hands and everything over to hold em manager, which meant unfortunately all the tourney stats were all fucked up and I spent 2 hours having poker tracker 3 and HEM up so I could manually add tourney info into HEM. Also, found out that Idleminers Hand Grabber for Bodog, WILL NOT save Multi-Table Tournament Hands (WTF?). Anyway I think I only played like 2 or 3 SnG's last night and I busted out 15th in the Cards Chat $5.50 today. I really wanted to take first because it was cash and a ticket to the $100,000 Guarantee on Sunday on Bodog. Which is probably the most over layed tourneys you could buy into. I want to play it before they change it to the $50K, or $25K or Less.
Lost a buy in at $25NL and then $5 in the MTT today.
Anyway, hope you are all doing well.
By -Sean
2/08/2010 02:35:00 AM
Since the change to bodog I've been doing really well with SnG's and not so much with cash. With cash I am down 6 buy-in's at $25NL and decided to go the SnG route. Well out of 24 SnG's I have an ROI of 85% which is really good! and I am ITM 78.57% of the time. Pretty much crushing the $4 SnGs and $7 Double Ups there. I took some of that money and bought into a $10 3 table "beginners" tournament and finished 7th for $33.
So for right now I'm playing $5NL and just going to work on fixing leaks and how to maximize profit for my big hands. So, hopefully I can stabilize my bankroll back at $600 after the 6 buy-in loss I had at $25NL.
Some images below.
And this is the Cash Graph -6 Buy-Ins:
By -Sean
2/05/2010 11:03:00 AM
Catching flak for switching from Full Tilt to Bodog. But, the games are softer and more profitable in my opinion. The challenge is off to a rough start and may be modified. Another member on CardsChat and I will possibly just have a Bankroll challenge and drop the high set standard of $600 to $40,000. $40k is feasible if I started out with a $6000 roll and strictly played $1/$2NL, but that would suck too because of my leaks. I wish I had a super user account sometimes or could predict the future or could have xray vision through the cards but see the ink live lol jk. I'd win the WSOP 10 times in a row. Then the field of players would slowly decrease... or maybe rise I dunno, I could bankrupt everyone. Okay get out of la la land damn it!
$20 SnG tonight at my buddies house, usually a soft game. Sometimes there's a maniac and the maniac is the reason for busto.
Tomorrow, Freeroll at Buffalo Thunder with a prize pool Guaranteed at $1K and up to $8K, I'm really hoping to take 1st in this and if I do, half in my pocket half into Bodog.
By -Sean
2/04/2010 07:37:00 PM
Okay so I've been dry humping the $0 to -$200 profit mark the past two days with little to no profit. Highest the Bankroll has been at as a total is $668. I'm not doing so well on Full Tilt, Every $25NL table I sit at has at least 4 - 5 regulars. And when I have a hand I want to play against the fishies with it seems without fail one of them will 3 bet me with better. So 4-5K hands later I'm floating and like I said earlier "dry humping" +$0 profit line.
My game definitely has leaks and I've decided to do something different. Take BR out of Full Tilt and throw it into Bodog. I obviously won't get in as much volume because I was playing 8 tables at once but, at least most of the leaks in my game can be worked on for a fraction of what they would cost on Full Tilt. I played around a total of 35 SnG's with similar "break even" a little bit behind stats. I invested $1 each day in the daily dollar and didn't make the money.
I don't know if people see a huge difference between Full Tilt players and Bodog players but I definitely do. I think I'd rather play with a bunch of loose-passive players then a bunch of loose-aggressive ones. So, for the next 2 days I'm off the online tables and have a date with a $20 Sit-n-Go being hosted at a friends house tomorrow night, and I have the $8,000 Free roll at Buffalo the following day. Any money won in the free roll is getting thrown into bodog as well. Why not take full advantage of a monthly redeposit bonus with free money?
I will sleep well tonight. Shit I was up until like 3 or 4am last night playing. Also the reload bonus I asked FT for is pretty much bull shit. Every 331 FTP they release $20 of my $600 bonus. I had +1500 FTPs and well getting $20 at a time really kind of sucks and was not the amount of time invested, I'm pretty sure 331 FTPs = $50 in rake, so Fuck it. Back to Bodog.
The bothersome thing is I looked myself up on PokerTableRatings.Com , from all of my online ID's. And the info is very odd to me. For instance it says I lost a flat $400 in 1 hand playing $2/$4, and that is very very wrong. Also, shows my Bodog name as being negative $1700 ... which is also wrong. I don't know. And I didn't know you could buy hand histories from PTR. Against the rules I believe. I'm sure there's a lot of people who purchase those, but they're dated from like August to Today and well maybe 1/2 those hands don't mean shit because those players stopped playing. I dunno just a rant. Off of work in five minutes. Tonight: Gonna drink, Gonna smoke, Gonna sleep.
Sorry I guess I forgot to mention BR back at $607.89. Withdrawal request went in today, hopefully direct deposited tomorrow so I can deposit the $600 on Bodog.
By -Sean
2/04/2010 03:37:00 AM
So bankroll started this eve at $548.69, I gained 6.5 buy-ins, swung down to +2 buy-ins, down to -4 buy-ins, down a little more and here I am with a total BR of $455.21. Maybe I should transition over to $6 SnG's? Only 2 days into my challenge and I am faced with a face full of variance, I'm not stacking off on draws, I get nut hands on the flop and Mr. 57/5 doesn't matter how much it costs to see the river. Or Mr. 57/5 slow plays all of his hands and I run into a monster.
For instance today the ugliest hand I lost. Two Limpers Behind and I have As Ks, Raise in the CO, SB&BB call a 6xBB raise Limpers Fold. Flop, is absolutely beautiful. Qd Js Ts, SB opens for a pot sized bet, BB re-raises all-in, I re-raise all in SB calls, I'm like WTF!? at the 3 AI pot. SB has TT BB has JJ, I'm in pretty good shape. I think at least, I was favorite to win on the flop, Had the nut straight, had the nut flush draw, had a royal flush draw, and wtf. Turn Kd River Kc. So disgusting and I was 2.5 buy-ins deep on that table. SB&BB are 40/25 and 30/10, pretty spewy, Sometimes I wish people would play their hands correctly I would have layed down AKs if SB 3-bet and then BB 4-bet, the frustration is extraordinary.
By -Sean
2/03/2010 02:10:00 AM
So Started out with $600 today. I told myself I wouldn't play the $25NL games at work and well, I did and all it took to tilt me was a fucking god damn old lady who couldn't find the fucking address bar in safari. Later on it took 15 minutes for her to tell me how the fuck she checks her e-mail all I needed to hear was "MacMail" but no you had to tell me your life story. Kill yourself.
Ok started with $600 today massive downswing during the day literally down 12 buy-ins I don't think the downswing was caused by that tilt BTW, the players that were on there were definitely not the average Joe after 5PM crowd. I was running into slow played aces, sets, and I couldn't believe how many times I ran into monsters. So now, 5,000 Hands later I have almost recovered from the losses. Bankroll is at: $548.69.
I played from 2pm-4pm at work (bad idea) and 6pm-8pm at work when it was mellow and started my +EV from the negative. Then got home relaxed for a few and hit the felt at 8:30PM - 2AM. Total hands: 3651 Total Profit: -$51.31
By -Sean
2/02/2010 10:37:00 AM
Made the deposit today. I also played the Full Tilt Turbo Freeroll last night and finished 15th out of a field of 7,500 players and made a whopping $3. I don't really care about the $3. I'm more happy about how high I placed in such a large field MTTs even though there was no buy-in. Adds some confidence and helps start my challenge! Wish me luck and if you care to watch I'll be online around 8:30PM MST, 10:30PM EST.
1 Comment
By -Sean
2/01/2010 11:56:00 AM
I'm about to shit myself with anticipation to get this rolling along tomorrow night! I'm going to make the deposit as soon as possible tomorrow. Then, I'm NOT going to play at work but rather I'm going to sit at a bunch of $25NL tables and sit out so I can have as many hands saved as possible then e-mail them to myself, once I get out of work I'm going to import all of those into HEM so yes... "iRokk this lonely road, the only one that I have ever known."
By -Sean