Woo Hoo! Busto!
3/26/2010 05:29:00 PM
Pretty much blew my BR on Full Tilt. $178 down the drain today. God DAMN IT!
3/26/2010 05:29:00 PM
Pretty much blew my BR on Full Tilt. $178 down the drain today. God DAMN IT!
By -Sean
3/25/2010 03:21:00 PM
My girlfriend is the best!!!
By -Sean
3/24/2010 05:40:00 PM
So A break even player is a winning player as long as they have rake back. Which I do. So during this saga I am leading of depositing $100 /wk for the next 25 weeks should be decent. Really only staking $1 here or $1 there. Until I have the bank roll I want so I can play $20 SnG's. Life and Love are complicating. Paying Bills, Going out with the girlfriend, hanging out with family and friends haven't played much poker online or live. Played a friendly game at my buddies house last Friday no money involved due to n00bs. But, anyway it was fun. So $100 out of $2500 complete.
By -Sean
3/16/2010 09:33:00 AM
I let my life's problems get in my way over the weekend. The only thing positive that came from the tilt is that I took 1st in a $33 SnG on PokerStars and then withdrew $100 but that didn't make up for dumping my whole BR on Full Tilt, Cake, Carbon, Bodog, Ub, Absolute, Full Rush . I really need the $100 because I have strep throat (sucks). So BR's are like demolished. God damn my life, damn I'm an idiot. I ultimately got really annoyed with $5 SnG's and middle to late tourney busts which led me to play like an idiot and tilt. Anyway I want to save up a couple grand and play exclusively $20 SnG's. At least then the money will seem more "real" to me, which I know sounds sick but that's how I look at it $20 a pop vs. $5 a pop is probably healthier for my mentality of online poker.
By -Sean
3/09/2010 04:26:00 PM
Played a little bit on Saturday made a min cash in the $5 buy in OFC event. Also got approved for rakeback from RakeBackPros for my account on Full Tilt (YAY!). Most importantly I ran into a girl who I used to see back in the day, and we hit it off like you wouldn't believe spent nearly the entire weekend with her. And I loved every second of it.
By -Sean
3/05/2010 09:45:00 AM
Definitely -EV when I stay up until 4AM playing. Oh well. Need to stop that shit and sleep. Some losses over the course of last night, blew the whole Bodog bankroll short stacking a $1/$2NL table. Got my money in good with a full house. 5 limpers preflop I had pocket 3's the flop was 3QQ, SB bets out $3, folds to me I re-raise to $9, he re-raises to $15 I shoved all in for $30 more. He snap called, he showed Q9o, like an idiot, I had 84% equity on the turn which was a 7d. But, he rivered a 9, pretty shitty. That's variance at work for ya.
Full Tilt Played some SnG's broke even in those lost 1 buy-in playing $10NL Rush.
Lost some BR on Ub and Cake from busting in a few SnG's.
By -Sean
3/04/2010 09:52:00 AM
Is it a breakeven session or a losing one? I can't recall right now. I need to start charting day by day or post by post changes in BR for each site instead of global BR's. Anyway, losing streak on Full Tilt that $200 is now down to $109 I believe. Other sites with some losses or break even.
By -Sean
3/02/2010 04:04:00 AM
Crushed some single table tournaments last night, Full tilt bankroll jumped about $100, Bodog granted me my $20 bonus from January(?) I used that $20 and Short Stacked the $25NL tables grew that small BR up. Lost the $30 I had on Absolute, playing $5 SnG's where they all got 4 handed and I had a 4 to 1 or even 6 to 1 chip advantage on the other players. And I couldn't win a hand for shit, my chip lead slowly dwindled and I busted out in 4th, horrible, but can't complain too much I am up for the day.
Full Tilt SnG Graph (March):
By -Sean
3/01/2010 11:35:00 AM
Took a shot at the $100K again for all my BR on Bodog.
Took 92nd, I was in the top ten throughout most of the tourney, it only took one guy who couldn't fold KTo to my AKs. He rivered a ten, we both flopped top pair but he couldn't fold, because he is a douche. Until the reload bonus comes in I will have $0 in there.
By -Sean